Friday, November 30, 2018

You're Fired

I clearly have autistic traits
Yet you say I'm fine right to my face

Oh you gonna treat me like a petulant child
Your services are no longer required

No matter the problem we should be treated with respect
If you stay up on your high horse
You'll eventually get wrecked

I can't imagine why you think you're so much better
We're equal human beings
That should come together

Come together from a place of love
Like Jehovah God does from above

I don't want to judge you, it is not my place
We're supposed to love the entire human race

But you make it so difficult

Monday, November 5, 2018

Negativity Negates Progress

Negativity Negates Progress

Where do I start
Where do I begin
I'm trying even harder
But I don't think this ever will end

His suffering's behind him
But not when it comes to me
He's living with his abuser
He's haunted by those memories

I have to say
That I've done wrong
If I'm wrong about this
What if I've been wrong all along

It IS my fault
I shouldn't have been with those men
If I'd have had half a backbone
It wouldn't have happened again

If only I'd been obedient
In the first place
I wouldn't have been so scarred
Left with so many lines on this face

They say I was a kid
I didn't know any better
But that's not true
Otherwise I wouldn't have tried to keep it secret whatsoever

But now I'm all grown up
Yet I feel like a petulant child
Maybe there's something to the whole BPD thing
Cuz I've felt this way all the while

This is no pity party
I'm just so sorry...

Monday, October 22, 2018

I Want What You Need

I Want What You Need

I've been working hard 
On the things that I need
I hope you can tell
I hope you can see
Cuz I want you to see
And just feel free
Free to speak your mind
To speak to me about anything, anytime
I want you to feel
Feel love for me
But not for me
But for you
For you to feel that warmth
That warmth in your heart when you think 
Think of me
When we're apart
Apart physically
Physically but mentally
Mentally and emotionally
So you feel good
Good and safe
Safe and sound as they say
The excited when I get home
Type a way
Like The I need my mom
Kinda way
I wish you could trust
Trust what I say
Trust what I say is true
So you feel confident
Confident and reassured
So you can feel that all is right in your world